
Everything you need to know about projects.

Projects is the hub of the entire tool. This is where you have your client sites, affiliate sites, and businesses. In the project menu, you can see what has been published, scheduled, and what is in draft. You can also view which project has a connected website.

The project menu will allow you to save default values that you can automatically apply to your articles and outlines. In the article creation process, your defaults become project defaults.

Important Notes on Creating / Understanding Projects

While you can customize all of these options, the tool uses AI to determine the best answer in the recommended format, so all you need to do is to use a 2 - 5 words when you describe: 1. Website Purpose 2. Search Intent 3. Niche

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see an error when adding a project, it is most likely because you added too many words. Just use 2-5 words like we recommend and you will be fine.

Name is the name of the website. URL must be exactly your URL. This must be accurate if you want to connect a WordPress website. Website Purpose = "Guides on {Niche} and X Services". This section should be 1 sentence and it should state what you do. Search Intent = "Guides on {niche}". The shorter, the better. We highly recommend that you use a specific process to specify the search intent that we will specify in the "Articles" section of our guides. Niche is your niche. I know, complicated. Default audience is a declaration of who needs your content. Intent is a dropdown with 3 options: Business Selling Services, Reviews, and Business Selling Products.

Reading level should be default but you can customize it here. This setting is often overridden by the SEO optimization ingrained into the tool. The goal of CS AI is to rank. If the reading level is not to your liking, the in-article editor has features that will help you get the desired output.

Writing Style and Act as Who is a beta feature that the AI will now override due to the quality issue that would occur when people customized this feature. After spending 1,000+ hours testing AI content, we can safely say that the best time to apply this is after the article is written.

Internal Links allow you to place a keyword and URL in a CSV and you can automatically link to the URLs based on the specified keywords. This can be changed in the actual article writer too. Column A requires "keyword" and Column B requires "URL" and that will be shown in the tool.

Specific Project View

The individual projects contain titles, word count, creation date, status, and actions. You can edit the columns to include more or less options such as plagiarism check and AI detection.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are currently fixing the plagiarism checker and AI detection tool by uisng a better API. All updates can be seen in the dashboard as we announce the changes.

Last updated